Welcome to Happy-ME
Your Academy to get a HAPPY-LIFE

Emotional Freedom 



Are you struggling with difficult emotions?

Emotions such as fear, sadness, guilt, loneliness, ... often present us with challenges.

  • Do you sometimes feel stuck and can't let go of your emotions?
  • Do you act impulsively in certain situations that you later regret?
  • Are your emotional lows so draining that you often feel drained?
  • Do you sometimes not understand yourself and would like to be able to categorize your feelings more clearly?
  • Do you sometimes distract yourself with food, alcohol, television, ... to escape your feelings?


The Emotional Freedom Process will help you free yourself from the emotions that are holding you back.


earn to let go and find inner strength
The 4 Steps of the Emotional Freedom Process will help you...

✅... calm yourself when things are difficult.

✅... face life's challenges with emotional serenity.
✅... overcome emotional lows and direct your energy toward your goals.
✅... switch off emotionally after a stressful day and sleep better.
✅... have harmonious and appreciative relationships.

 Are you ready to shed your emotional baggage?
Our online Emotional Freedom course gives you a practical roadmap for understanding your emotional world and staying calm in stressful situations.
So you can live a balanced, confident, and joyful life.



Letting Go of Unhealthy Patterns

As you learn to manage your emotions in a healthy way, you will find that bad habits will automatically diminish and eventually disappear.

Finding Relaxation and Calm

Ignored emotions often cause tension in the body. They have usually been there for so long that we do not even notice them. You will find it liberating as they gradually dissolve and a new ease enters your life.

Develop emotional strength and self-confidence
Ride the wave of your emotions instead of fighting them. EFP teaches you to be aware of your emotions and how to manage them in a healthy way. As a result, you will automatically develop inner emotional stability and new self-confidence.

Mastering Stressful Situations

Have we learned to tolerate strong emotions without projecting them onto others, swallowing them, or going into a state of shock? By practicing with the EFP, you will be able to respond to the most difficult situations with emotional competence and feel less stress in everyday life.


What to expect from the course

Understanding Emotions
ou will learn how you have created your life as it is now and what you can do to consciously make your life happier. Learn the basic skills you need to manage your emotions in a healthy way. You will learn what happens in your body and brain when you experience emotions and how you can consciously control them from now on. Most importantly, the guided meditation will help you develop a new body awareness and systematically free your body from unhealthy blockages.

Free yourself from negative thoughts
The second week is all about the dynamics of thoughts and emotions. I will show you a simple but highly effective technique to easily get off the negative thought carousel in your daily life. This week's guided meditation will help you peacefully observe thoughts and emotions without having to react to them impulsively. 

The Scale of Emotions

The key to a fulfilled and joyful life is the ability to manage difficult emotions. This week we will focus on exploring your personal emotional levels. You will learn what is really behind your difficult emotions and how to transform them into conscious needs. This will help you find a healthy way to deal with negative emotions.

Letting go of unhealthy defenses
We have often used many unconscious defenses to deal with emotions - avoidance, projection, rumination... The problem is that when we stay in these patterns, we keep slipping into more and more difficult emotions. Recognizing these patterns is the most important step in freeing ourselves from them. That's why we're taking a whole week to do this together!


The Emotional Freedom Process

In this module, we get to the heart of the course. You will learn about the Emotional Freedom Process and how to use it to free yourself from difficult emotions in 4 steps. It helps you let go of unhealthy ways of dealing with emotions. 


Stop the Thought Carousel and Feel Positive Emotions

In Week 6, you will learn how to stop spending hours dwelling on emotions as they arise. Instead, you will learn how to properly understand the message of your emotions. By no longer holding on to negative emotions and thought cycles, you create new space for beautiful feelings.

Bonus lessons for your everyday life

We apply the principle of the Emotional Freedom Process specifically in some areas of your life so that it is easy for you to apply it in everyday life. Relationships: How to bring more peace into your interpersonal relationships through emotional competence.

Health: How to stay healthier through the EFP
✅ Fears: How the EFP can help you deal with fears more easily.
✅ Goals and problems: How to use the EFP to solve your problems and achieve your goals.
✅ Sleep: How emotional competence can help you sleep more restfully.
✅ Happiness: How to find higher emotions.

Bring lightness into your life by freeing yourself from emotional baggage


"To live in harmony with our emotions allows us to live a long and fulfilled life.